Keffie AnnDuncombe (nee Ferguson) was born to Pearline and Hilbert Ferguson on August 9, 1971 on the picturesque island of New Providence. How fortunate was she to grow up in a supportive home with six siblings, four sisters and two brothers. Keffie was an adventurous and curious child who was eager to experience all that life had to offer. Under the watchful guidance and direction of her parents, she quickly blossomed into a young lady who was bound for success. Prayer, determination and persistence became her mantra.
Keffie’s early formal education began in her neighborhood school, Ridgeland Primary. After sixth grade, she transferred to C.H.Reeves Junior High and then matriculated to high school at Government High SeniorSchool here she graduated in 1988. Imbued with a love for children, Keffie pursueda career in teaching and worked for several years as a teacher aide. Answering God’s call and purpose for her life, Keffie made the decision to become a qualified educator. She enrolled in Buffalo University and was awarded a Bachelor’s of Arts degree in Early Childhood Education. In 1994, Keffie was hired by the Catholic Board of Education and posted at St. Thomas More Primary where she taught kindergarten for four years. In 1997, Keffie made the decision to seek employment with the Ministry of Education and is presently posted at C.W. Sawyer Primary School.
In 2006, Keffie married Minister Marvin Duncombe. She and her husband are the proud parents of two lovely children, Kendyll and Geneal. On August 5, 2017 the couple celebrated eleven years of marriage.
Living, loving and enjoying life, Keffie was in a good place, a happy place. Little did she know that in 2015 her life was about to be changed forever!!Having done her annual physical onApril 15th, 2015, Keffie received a call from her primary care physician, Dr. Pamela Carroll. Her doctor’s tone was soft and gentle as she uttered these words: “Your results are back and I need to see you”. “Marvin and I are on our way,” was Keffie’s response. Feeling very uncomfortable with the call, Keffie told her husband that she will be taking both breast off if her fears were confirmed. Dr. Carroll confirmed Keffie’s fears. She was diagnosed with stage two breast cancer. Keffie was devastated by the initial news. Her whole world was about to crumble. She, her husband and Dr. Carroll cried.In the midst of the sorrow, it was her husband, Marvin, who great comfort when he reminded her about the goodness of God. “This is not the time to give up,” he said. “We are going to fight this as a family. Your family will be here with you.”
Completing the necessary research,Keffie’s family travelled with her to Tampa, Florida where she received excellent care. In Tampa, Keffie received a double mastectomy with breast reconstruction. In order to complete the reconstruction, Keffie had to also undergo a twelve hour tummy tuck surgery.About four weeks after the surgery, Keffie and Marvin had to return to Tampa to begin the chemotherapy treatment. Keffie had to complete six cycles of chemotherapy.
The healing process was very long and very difficult one. Not being able to do much for herself, the demands became even greater on her family. Her siblings Florence,Phillip, Tasha and Kimand Kelly also took turn nursing Keffie back to health, offering much love and support. Pastors Mario and Erica Moxey from Bahamas Harvest Church also played a pivotal rolein this process offering spiritual guidance and support. Mrs. Shona Moss-Knowles, a long time friend, was a vessel of strength.Today, Keffie expresses great love and appreciation for the love, care and support that she received from her family, spiritual leaders and her dear friend.
Keffie and her husband, Marvin, travelled to Tampa seven times within four months for Keffie to receive her much needed chemotherapy. Her last chemotherapy was September 22nd, 2015.
Adjusting to life has been interesting. Having to learn how to prepare healthier meals just using fruits and vegetables is a challenge; a challenge Keffie enjoys. Taking care of her mind, body and soul is premier. A daily exercise routine and proper management of stress is super important.Although she recently celebrated her second anniversary as a cancer survivor,Keffie is still very faithful and attends her six monthscheckup appointments with her physicians in Tampa.
Keffie is now an advocate for breast cancer and goes out of her way to encourage women to have annual mammograms done, especially if there is a family history of cancer. During Breast Cancer Awareness in October, Keffie made her appearances on radio talk shows and television interviews bringing awareness to the disease. She is adamant about teaching females about the disease. She feels as if we can begin to educate our females as early as primary school. Keffie also made a number of school visits in October and her message was clear: CANCER IS NOT A DEATH SENTENCE, EARLY DETECTION CAN SAVE YOUR LIFE!
Keffie and her husband, presently lead a small group at her church called, “Surviving a Health Crisis”. This small grouphas been a blessing in more ways than one as the couple gets the opportunity to help persons going through chemotherapy and living with cancer. This experience words can’t describe aslifelong friendships are forged.The Duncombe’s faced their health crisis as a family and now their testimony has evolved into a ministry.
Keffie is also afacilitator with the Cancer Society of The Bahamas where she leads a support group of person affected by the disease in every way. Big shouts out to the Cancer Society of The Bahamas (CSOB)…one love crew.
Keffie’s family and her friends are surrounding her with love and prayers daily. Keeping a positive attitude and calling on Jesus dailyis more than a life style, it isnow a habit for her.
The one message that Keffie wants to leave with you is that Jesus has proven himself to be faithful and He is her healer. He is a God who keeps his word. He never left her nor forsook her. She has learnt how to depend on Jesus for daily strength. She is reminded of the words sang by Anthony Brown and group therapy called, “Trust in You.” The song says, “God did not create me to worry; God did not create me to fear, but God created me to worship daily. So I’m a leave it all right here……on the altar. God is still in control.”