Errin Storr

My name is Errin Storr and I am a 51-year old single mother of an adult son. I was born and schooled in New Providence, but decided to relocate to Grand Bahama once becoming a legal adult. Living in Freeport was a beautiful and truly enjoyable experience, but I eventually returned home to Nassau eighteen (18) years ago when I noticed the downturn in Grand Bahama’s economy.

I truly believe in getting my annual doctors examination, so it truly came as a shock to me last November, when performing the mammogram, a mass was discovered and was later diagnosed as Stage I Ductal Carcinoma. This was a game changer for me, because I knew this was a simple fix—God gat me, so I decided to have a Lumpectomy rather than a Mastectomy and no chemo, only radiation. But again, there was another change in the game, the results of the surgery had good and bad results, the good; all tissues surrounding the lump removed was good, but a lymph node under my arm was also removed and it showed positive (despite having a PET Scan and results concluded that was not in any of my lymph nodes but only isolate in the area of my breast.

After consultation with the Oncologist, I was informed that if it is less than 7mm it would not show up in the PET Scan, now chemotherapy was placed on the table as a must. treatment started in May of this year and I have currently completed the four (4) rounds of the nasty cocktail…not my favorite, but thank you Lord that part is over. I have another twelve (12) rounds of the hormonal drug before radiation can be performed. I am truly blessed that I belong to an Eden’s Women Small Group at Bahamas Harvest Church and these women have continually prayed for me and have encouraged me daily that I am not fighting this battle alone. They have kept me going and everyday my faith is renewed, they were the ones that nominated me for this award, which I am honored, grateful and thankful.