Patrice Ritchie

Patrice Ritchie’s story is different. She said she was actually forewarned by the Holy Spirit about her cancer diagnosis. As she readied to see the oncologist, she received the words: “Whose report shall you believe?”

Those words prepared her for the news of lobular cancer and being told she would have to take off both breasts.

“I knew that everything would be alright, somehow. My faith in God, I know who I serve, I know what man says, but I know what God says and he has already told me to believe his report….it was strange. I felt a peace. I was concerned, but I felt I was gonna be okay,” she recalled.

One week later she called a family meeting, and while everyone was teary eyed, Patrice was holding up.

“In my mind, when things were good, I was joyful…I said in my soul, I’m going to remain joyful no matter what it is because God is going to take me through. I’m not going to walk around like I have cancer because it’s not a death sentence,” she emphasized about the 2016 diagnosis.

Patrice’s trust in God goes back to the solid Christian foundation provided by her mother Kelsene Johnson. Ms. Johnson gave her daughter the best education she could afford, sending Patrice to St. Augustine’s College, after which she immediately entered the work world, eager to assist her mother and achieve a better way of life for them both.

Patrice found her passion when she began working in the financial services industry in 1988 and a year later joined FINCO and the Royal Bank or Canada (RBC) family. Patrice has held many leadership positions over her career including Branch Manager; Senior Manager, Mortgages; Senior Manager, Business Banking; Area Vice President, Personal Banking and Head, Private Banking. She currently holds a Pan-Caribbean role as Director, Recoveries &Specialized Services, Caribbean Banking. With a passion for continued learning, Patrice has completed numerous courses and training; she is an Associate of the Canadian Institute of Bankers and attained her Master’s degree from the University of Liverpool. She is passionate about people development and loves helping clients achieve their financial goals.

Patrice has been married to her best friend and confidante for the past 23 years and they are the proud parents of two beautiful daughters, Jayda & Jodie. Patrice is a lover of God, her family and the community. She is an active member of her church and she and her husband co-led the Marriage Ministry for several years.

Her relationship with God, a loving family, church community and friends have gotten her through a single mastectomy to address ductal and lobular cancer, and later a second mastectomy. Today, she remains on oral medication to assist with the reduction of cancer levels, but ultimately, she is trusting in the great physician.

During this journey, Patrice has remained committed to keeping the joy of the Lord within her heart with a renewed appreciation for life, understanding that each day is a precious gift from God. Though faced with her own challenges, that didn’t prevent Patrice from encouraging other persons around her to trust and believe God for any trial they may have been facing.

Patrice has co-chaired the Cancer Society of The Bahamas’ Annual Stride for Life Fun, Run Walk since 2018 and is passionate about supporting other cancer survivors and bringing awareness about the disease. Her hobbies include backyard gardening, travelling and cooking for her family.

The scripture that Patrice holds onto is Philippians 4 v 13: “I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me.” Patrice firmly believes she will live and not die, and her latter days will be better than her former.